Fecal Incontinence

Are your bowel incontinence symptoms disruptive to your daily activities? Have the freedom to live your life!

You are not alone.

~20 million

adults in the United States suffer from bowel incontinence, also referred to as accidental bowel leakage.1,2

What is Axonics® Therapy?

Axonics Therapy is an effective solution for treating symptoms of bowel (fecal) incontinence, overactive bladder including urinary urgency incontinence, and urinary retention3.

Bowel Incontinence

Overactive Bladder

Urinary Retention

What Is Bowel Incontinence?

Bowel incontinence, or accidental bowel leakage, is a condition where people get sudden urges to pass stool and experience leakage of stool before they make it to the restroom.

Bowel Incontinence Symptoms

You may be suffering from bowel incontinence if:

Fecal Urgency

You experience sudden urges to pass stool

Urgency Fecal Incontinence

You experience an inability to stop the urge to pass stool

Passive Bowel Incontinence

You experience leakage of stool with activity or without awareness

Did you know that patients can suffer from dual incontinence?
Dual incontinence is when a patient is experiencing both bladder and bowel control symptoms.

Your journey to find the treatment solution that works for you


    Discuss your symptoms
    Start a baseline bowel diary
    Undergo recommended diagnostic tests
    Discuss treatment options


    Diet changes
    Sphincter and pelvic floor exercises
    Over-the-counter antidiarrheal medications


    Minimally Invasive
    - Sacral Neuromodulation
    - Surgical Sphincter Repair

Bowel Incontinence Patient Care Pathway

Your doctor and his or her clinical team will follow a patient care pathway, which is a roadmap of the different treatment options available to you. The pathway starts with conservative treatments and then moves on to the advanced therapies.

No symptom improvements?
Don't give up!

Follow up with your doctor to discuss advanced therapy options

How does Axonics Therapy work?

Axonics Therapy provides gentle stimulation to the nerves that control the bladder and bowel, which can restore normal control and result in symptom improvement.

The Evaluation Step: To see if Axonics Therapy is right for you, you will undergo a short period of therapy using a temporary system. The evaluation period allows you to experience the level of symptom relief the therapy may provide before you commit to long-term therapy.

Long-term Therapy: If you and your doctor determine that Axonics Therapy is right for you, you will have an outpatient procedure where the miniaturized Axonics implant is placed just beneath the skin in the upper part of your buttock.

Clinically Proven. Patient Approved.

Backed by clinical studies, Axonics Therapy is clinically proven to regain bladder and bowel control and deliver clinically meaningful improvement in quality of life.

At 2-Years,

of patients had ≥50% reduction in FI symptoms 4

of patients were satisfied with the therapy for FI symptoms 3

of patients reported discomfort at the implant site 3