Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladders cause many women to avoid social situations due to their fear of embarrassment. If that sounds like you, fear no more: Neeraj Kohli, MD, MBA of Boston Urogyn in Wellesley, Massachusetts has expertise in urogynecological techniques. He can help you manage overactive bladder symptoms, including urinary incontinence. If you’re ready to restore your bladder control and social life, Call Boston Urogyn or schedule an appointment online to learn more today.

Overactive Bladder Q & A

What is overactive bladder?

Having an overactive bladder causes the urgent need to urinate due to the involuntary flexing of your bladder muscles. If you’re experiencing overactive bladder, you may notice:

  • The need to urinate eight or more times within 24 hours

  • The involuntary loss of urine when the need to void occurs

  • Sudden urges to urinate that are difficult to control

  • Nocturia, or the need to urinate two or more times at night

Overactive bladders can be difficult to control and sometimes result in urge incontinence or urine leakage. Many women with overactive bladder also have stress urinary incontinence, which means they experience urinary leakage when they sneeze, cough, or exercise.

What causes overactive bladder?

Miscommunication between the bladder and the brain causes an overactive bladder.

When your bladder function is normal, a nerve signals your brain when you need to urinate. Next, your nerve signals coordinate muscle responses from your pelvic floor (the muscles of your urethra and bladder). Finally, these muscles contract, and you can go to the bathroom (urinate).

With an overactive bladder, your bladder muscles tighten to release urine no matter how full or empty your bladder is. Many factors lead to overactive bladder and include:

  • Bladder abnormalities, like tumors or stones

  • Neurological conditions, like stroke and multiple sclerosis

  • Urinary tract infections

  • Age-related cognitive function decline

Your risk of developing overactive bladder increases as you age. If untreated, overactive bladder can force you into isolation simply because you’re embarrassed and afraid of involuntary urination.

How is overactive bladder treated?

Overactive bladder is a chronic condition, but several treatments are available.

During your appointment, Dr. Kohli conducts a full health exam to diagnose the cause of your symptoms. Your available treatment options include:

  • Axonics Therapy - Click here to learn more!

  • Medications to relax the bladder

  • Physical therapy to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

  • Bladder Botox® to temporarily paralyze the bladder muscles

  • InterStim™ to restore nerves to normal function

Dr. Kohli might also recommend behavioral interventions to manage your symptoms. These treatments include healthy weight management, monitoring your diet and fluid intake, and bladder training. Depending on your condition, Dr. Kohli might also recommend surgery.